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Julie Kurtz
Julie Kurtz
Julie Kurtz
Julie Kurtz
Julie Kurtz
Julie Kurtz
Julie Kurtz
Julie Kurtz, M.S., LMFT
Julie Kurtz, MS, LMFT
Sandra Gonzales-Pabon
Valentina Torres
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Social Emotional
Growing Human(E) Beings!
1-Hour Spotlight: Top TIPS for Parents and Caregivers to Support Children in Times of Uncertainty and Stress (Ages 2-8) (A62)
Available until
Learn evidence-based Trauma-Informed Practice Strategies (TIPS) to support young children in times of uncertainty and stress.
Julie Kurtz, MS, LMFT
5-Hour Module: Positive Parenting Series: Growing Human(E) Beings! (D5)
Available until
This series is foundational in learning strategies to intentionally support your child's social-emotional well-being and to promote optimal brain integration.
Julie Kurtz
Módulo de 3 Horas: Series de Aprendizaje Socioemocional para Familias de la Primera Infancia (Español) (D6)
Available until
Series de Aprendizaje Socioemocional para Familias de la Primera Infancia-Español
Valentina Torres
9-Hour Module: Positive Parenting Strategies: Raising Human(E) Beings (D5)
Available until
Julie Kurtz
1-Hour Spotlight: Growing Human(E) Beings! A Job of Superheroes! (A26)
Available until
The 4 steps to raise and grow human beings that become humane! A spotlight series for early childhood educators.
Julie Kurtz
1-Hour Spotlight: Promoting Sensory Literacy and Body Awareness for Young Children (A69)
Available until
Learn the important strategy of promoting sensory literacy and body awareness for children impacted by trauma AND good for all children!
Julie Kurtz
Spotlight de 1 Hora: Consejos para Apoyar a los Niños Durante los Momentos de Estrés e Incertidumbre (A62)
Available until
Valentina Torres